Repression gegen baskische Jugend


The basque youth movement has suffered another atack from the Guardia Zibil, this time against Gaztesarea. Gaztesarea is the voice and meeting point of the youth movement;the umbrella of all those who are against the patriarchal system; the loudspeacker of the ones with out voice; is the proyect that infront of the manipulated and contaminated means of comunication reflects the reality from a youth and peoples point of view. A neccesary toll for the change in our contry is the meeting space of the diferent struggles.

And thats why and not for anything else that they have gone against  Gaztesarea. The argues that the Guardia Zibil has used are only a excuse. The proyect of the youth movement is on the target of the
power and the States becouse we put in question their capitalist system and the only way they use to face this is with their policial represion. Even so, this wont stop becaouse Gaztesarea is more than a web sid or a paper. After many years of work gaztesarea is the reallity of the youth movement,a proyect that is deeply rooted.

Know more than ever join us and fight against the system its time to struggle for another Basque contry. It time to built our alternatives lets paint this grey world with color.

Things like this there is going to be a demostration in Donostia on the 7nth of August to denounce the last attack against the youth movement.

July 30nth 2009 by gazteahotsa